Thread: Black walnuts
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Black walnuts

> Salutations, gentlefolk,
> Did a bit of research and found that the little green tennisballs
> falling in my front yard actually contain black walnuts.
> Any advice on how to seperate the edible part from the "containers'',
> and prepare them ?
> Second, another walnut tree a few houses down has a gypsy moth nest
> among its branches. Any advice on how this investation oughta be
> dealt with, and how to persuade the owner to deal with it ?

Let them dry out and they should be easier to get the nuts out of them.
It is a good idea to wear rubber gloves because you will quickly learn
where they get the colouring for Black Walnut stain. They were turn your
fingers black.

Those nests are more likely tent caterpillars. They are quite common on
Black Walnut trees. The easiest way to deal with them is to get one of
those long telescoping pruners and lop off the end of the branch, then
burn it, or else you can try to burn them on the branch with a propane
torch. If you can at least poke a hole in the nest the birds will
probably eat them. They are not the same hazard that gypsy moth
caterpillars are. Gypsy Moths will quickly wipe out entire trees.....