Biscuits and gravy!
On Aug 31, 9:10*pm, "Paul M. Cook" > wrote:
>*M gravy is much thicker and has less pepper and so is less gray
> looking. *But it's hard to get a nice rich gravy and keep it white as snow,
> the tasty bits add a lot of color.
> Paul
Yes, tasty bits do add color, but this looks EXACTLY like the slop
they scrape out of a can at work and serve at breakfast, but they
didn't try to disguise it with so much pepper it's almost hidden.
Granted, I'm a huge fan of fresh ground pepper but not so much as on
this dish as to wonder what they are hiding.
I suppose the beer bottle and styrofoam plate is to give it an artsy-
fartsy effect. Not impressed with a-n-y of their efforts, either at
photography or at composing a plate of vomit.