"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Sun 31 Aug 2008 07:10:20p, Paul M. Cook told us...
>> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
>> 5.247...
>>> On Sun 31 Aug 2008 06:48:46p, Janet told us...
>>>> "itsjoannotjoann" > wrote in message
>>>> .
>>>> .. On Aug 31, 4:05 pm, "Janet" > wrote:
>>>>> "Shag" > wrote in message
>>>>> .
>>>>> ..
>>>>> > Who else is a fan? If you look closely you can see the steam still
>>>>> > coming up off of them. MMMM!!!! Best breakfast EVAR!
>>>>> >http://i33.tinypic.com/b9d2ef.jpg
>>>>> I could just dive in. <G>
>>>> Personally, I would pass. That doesn't look like the milk gravy I
>>>> make nor anyone else makes either. What's on this plate looks like
>>>> vomit and then someone tried to dress it up with pepper and then
>>>> thought a beer bottle would look sooooooooo cute in the picture,
>>>> also. Next time show us a picture of gravy you made and not scraped
>>>> out of a can. And TRY to serve it on something beside a damn
>>>> styrofoam plate, too.
>>>> Sheesh.
>>>> It's SAUSAGE gravy.
>>>> Sheesh indeed.
>>> Why not tell us how you *really* feel, Janet?
>> She was quoting an earlier poster - I think she was defending the dish
>> itself. It doesn't look like vomit to me, it looks like what many
>> diners serve. M gravy is much thicker and has less pepper and so is
>> less gray looking. But it's hard to get a nice rich gravy and keep it
>> white as snow, the tasty bits add a lot of color.
>> Paul
> That wasn't obvious to me. However, I have to admit that I've never eaten
> biscuits and gravy until this past Friday. It was offered as a side dish
> to an omelette I was ordering, so I thought I'd take a chance. What I got
> was a split biscuit covered in absolutely snow white gravy with a few bits
> of sausage in it and absolutely no pepper. Needless to say, it was
> virtually tasteless. I won't order it again...there!
That's because it was made to look good not taste good. You can make it out
of pure milk and bacon fat and it will be quite white and mostly flavorless.
The correct way is to fry up some sausage and then use some of the fat and
all the sticky bits to make the gravy. I heat the pan and the bits then
deglasse with the milk scraping the pan clean then work in the flour to make
a thick roux, cook for 5 minutes to eliminate the raw flour taste then add
milk to get the desired thickness. It tastes world's better that way but
does not have the eye appeal.