I'm a Ribbon Slut!
On Sun 31 Aug 2008 04:52:09p, told us...
> Maryland State Fair
> Mint Jelly, 2nd place!
Congratulations on the Mint Jelly!!!
> The first place one looked like boiled dirt jelly, seriously.
> Sticky Rubies (mixed jelly) didn't get anything but it didn't look
> like it had been opened. Maybe they were sick and damn tired of jelly
> by then. The Carrot Relish that they made me put in Pickled Mixed
> Vegetables had a note on the back - "Good, but more like a relish".
> Aggggghhhh
Oh, fiddle, what do they know? ;-)
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Sunday, 08(VIII)/31(XXXI)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Labor Day
6hrs 36mins
Who needs comedians? Journalists are
much more laughable!