On Sun, 31 Aug 2008 15:14:07 -0700 (PDT), itsjoannotjoann
> wrote:
>On Aug 31, 4:05*pm, "Janet" > wrote:
>> "Shag" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > Who else is a fan? *If you look closely you can see the steam still
>> > coming up off of them. *MMMM!!!! *Best breakfast EVAR!
>> >http://i33.tinypic.com/b9d2ef.jpg
>> I could just dive in. <G>
>Personally, I would pass. That doesn't look like the milk gravy I
>make nor anyone else makes either. What's on this plate looks like
>vomit and then someone tried to dress it up with pepper and then
>thought a beer bottle would look sooooooooo cute in the picture,
>also. Next time show us a picture of gravy you made and not scraped
>out of a can. And TRY to serve it on something beside a damn
>styrofoam plate, too.
Personally I'm not a big fan of biscuits and gravy. Primarily due to
the fact I'm not a big fan of biscuits. Now sausage gravy on toast is
a whole different story. If cooked properly I love it. I'm an over
the road trucker and biscuits and gravy is a big seller. However I
never eat the stuff in any kind of restaurant because what is usually
put in front of you resembles what was in that picture(minus the
beer). And what is served in the restaurants tastes what it looks
like in that picture...... Yuck!