Biscuits and gravy!
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> That wasn't obvious to me. However, I have to admit that I've never
> eaten
> biscuits and gravy until this past Friday. It was offered as a side
> dish
> to an omelette I was ordering, so I thought I'd take a chance. What I
> got was a split biscuit covered in absolutely snow white gravy with a
> few bits
> of sausage in it and absolutely no pepper. Needless to say, it was
> virtually tasteless. I won't order it again...there!
> Having said that, my partner simply adores hamburger gravy and I make
> it
> occasionally for him. It is generously seasoned with salt, pepper,
> garlic, and onion powder (he doesn't like fresh garlic or onion), a
> dash of Worcestershire sauce and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper, and an
> ample amount
> of browned hamburger. It is definitely not snow white. :-) I have
> never evevn tasted it,
<Cathy passes Wayne a TFR>
> as it doesn't appeal to me, but he tells me
> it's the best he's ever eaten anywhere, including his mother's.
> Neither of these dishes require a recipe, and maybe I'll take a stab
> at
> making my own sausage gravy sometime. At least I'll know what's in
> it. :-)
Chatty Cathy
There is no such thing as a little garlic. ~A. Baer