the void again.
Brick wrote:
> On 1-Sep-2008, Nonnymus > wrote:
>> Brick wrote:
>>> If you was in the same room with my late Doberman when he cut a fart,
>>> you wouldn't be able to see any clock. He turned the air to a thick green
>>> haze that made your eyes hurt.
>> Good dog. Whatta' you feed him?
>> Nonny
> He got "dog breeder" dry food from the local feed mill. We bought it directly
> from the mill. I don't remember what the name of it was. I suspect it was a
> bogus name anyway. The dogs thrived on it. He lived just ten years, but my
> vet told me that was about par for the course for a large Doberman.
When we bought a place in NC, it was out in the boondocks. I went out
with my daughter to walk the land and while there, spotted a Doberman at
the place next door. Not trusting the Doberman, when we returned with
my transit to shoot the corners of the house, I put a little PPK in my
pocket as a 'just in case.' With me on the transit and my daughter as
stick, we had 2-3 corners staked when the Doberman spotted us and came
at a gallop. The daughter sidled up to me and the Doberman came
straight on for us. I pulled the PPK out of my pocket and held it at my
side while the huge dog came up to size us up.
My daughter and I held our hands out, palm down for him to sniff. He
sniffed us both, and got so excited to see people that he literally
dribbled on the ground as he wanted to be petted and played with. He
was one of the nicest, most gentle dogs I ever encountered and when our
house was built, he was over visiting us and the kids every single day.
When I met my neighbor, it turned out he and his wife were great folk,
and they were happy the Dobie would have someone to play with during the
days, when they were working. Later on, our Chow developed about the
same relationship with the neighbors, and she and the Dobie were the
very best of friends.
Dobies can be mean, but I really think that if they're raised by nice
people, that a Dobie is a great dog and perfect for a family on a lot of