Thread: Gustav
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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Gustav

On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 00:28:59 -0500, "modom (palindrome guy)"
> wrote:

>I called mom tonight, and, in spite of the fact that my folks live in
>Baton Rouge where the maximum sustained winds reached 91 MPH, they're
>okay. They lost power at 11 this morning. Part of their (new) roof
>blew off a little later. Mom and Dad had to climb up in the attic
>with an old shower curtain to patch the leak from inside the decking.
>Not the best way to fix a leak, but in the face of hurricane winds
>outside it was just about the only way. Mom was freaked out by the
>work of walking on joists. She's 77 (78 in October) and her knees
>aren't what they once were. Prayers were involved with eah step, she
>told me. Later, when things got less hairy, a neighbor secured a tarp
>up there on the outside. Meanwhile my 79-year-old father a made
>repeated trips up in the attic to deal with the assorted buckets and
>pots catching the leaking water.

I don't think I could have done what your mom did. I'm scared of
heights. Your parents come from sturdy stock! Hopefully their
freezer will keep everything cold until the electricity comes back on.
Tell them not to open the door!

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