Approximately how many ounces of canned beets equals three medium-sizedbeets?
Sqwertz wrote:
> I'm pretty sure I've seen beet juice/liquor (kvas) in the Kosher
> sections of the grocery stores. Oddly, I see this strange warning on
> the Net:
> "Never drink beet juice by itself. Beet juice should always be mixed
> with other vegetables and/or apple juice. Pure beet juice (from the
> bulb or greens) can temporarily paralyze your vocal chords, make you
> break out in hives, increase your heart rate, cause chills or a fever."
> I dont' know what to make of that. Sounds pretty far fetched as beet
> juice is considered a healthy drink from everything I've read. And
> eating beets isn't that much different than drinking the juice.
I read that in my juicer's manual, too. It actually said that if you
used more than about a half a beet in a glass of juice, you were risking
vocal cord paralysis. I haven't had any trouble with beet juice in
bigger quantities, but I haven't tried drinking it by itself, and not
sure why I would. It's a pretty strong taste.
"I am an agnostic only to the extent that I am agnostic about fairies at
the bottom of the garden." -- Richard Dawkins