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Posted to,misc.consumers.frugal-living,
john d hamilton john d hamilton is offline
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Posts: 23
Default buying old meat from supermarket

As we know some people have a greater density of taste buds built into their
tongues. I have less, but my wife and son have more than i do and they can
detect subtle food flavours that I cannot.

Tescos in North London U.K. sometime do meat in their 'reduced price'
section. The other day I got some really good beef and lamb which was
slightly 'darker' coloured from this section at about 1/4 of the normal
price. I fried it up and enjoyed it and put the rest in the freezer.

Other members of the family thought this was truly awful. My view is that
although if you smell it closely, it is different; but that it is basically
just a bit of *oxizidation* and it does not effect the taste. Years ago
they used to hang up 'game' outside for weeks.

Views on this really seem to divide people. But I cannot believe that a big
store like Tesco would continue to sell this very slightly off coloured
meat, if it represented any health risk.
Any comments on this please, whether one can safetly consume such meat?