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A bunch of fruit
> "kilikini" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ...
>> We were given a bunch of fruit that's just about at expiration date. (We
>> have a friend whose friend runs a produce stand. Our friend gets the old
>> stuff for free and we reap the benefits, sometimes.) Most of it is
>> cantaloupe - I mean a LOT of cantaloupe.
>> I was thinking about a chilled cantaloupe soup. I've found many recipes
>> and they all sound pretty good. My question is, has anyone ever made or
>> tried cantaloupe soup before and if so, what were your thoughts on it?
>> kili
> No, I haven't, but what I have been making lately is my Peruvian friend's
> melon juice, which was the precursor to all those athletic drinks.
> Approximate, of course:
> 1/2 melon cleaned and blended
> juice of 1/2 lemon
> 1/2 liter water
> sugar to taste
> a few drops of milk
> blend it well and keep it cool. You can sweat safely if you have melon
> juice! And it is delicious. I have it instead
of breakfast.