Thread: Black walnuts
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D. Staples D. Staples is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 4
Default Black walnuts

"symplastless" > wrote in message
. ..
> "Don Staples" > wrote in message
> omsupplyinc...
>> You are an idiot, yard boy.
>>Don Staples - Consulting Salvage Hog

> About you suggesting removing mulch from a forest helps forest health.

Show me, idiot, where I suggested removing mulch from the forest.

> Ok, then, Don Staples. Please provide data specific to Texas that states
> that your salvage and restoration work increases the health of a forest
> rather
> than what I state, which that is that your practice is deforestation.

How can it be deforestation, when it is dead material, already deforested by
natural causes, idiot?

> Please
> provide the page and paragraph number where your data can be found stating
> that you increase forest health by your salvage and restoration work. You
> claim I am a fraud while all along you promote deforestation. You claim
> to be a consulting forester. Please consult and provide the data for your
> practice.
> --
> Sincerely,
> John A. Keslick, Jr.
> Consulting yard boy
> http://home.ccil.onrg/~treeman
> and
> Beware of yard boys who do not understand tree biology.
> Storms, fires, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions keep reminding
> us that we are not the boss.
> Some yard boys will buy products they do not understand and not buy books
> that will give them understanding.