My First Time With A Filet Knife
In article >,
Janet Wilder > wrote:
> Lou Decruss wrote:
> > A few weeks ago I told my 78 yr. old neighbor I'd never cleaned a
> > fish. He said he'd be glad to teach me but we had no fish. He fishes
> > almost daily but he broke his leg and just got out of the nursing
> > home. Saturday he came over and said he had 9 crappies from the night
> > before and would be willing to teach me. The first two weren't too
> > good but by the time I was done I had it down pretty good. He gave me
> > all the fillets to take home. I blackened them and made po-boy
> > sandwiches that were awesome. I guess some fish are a bit different
> > to filet but I'm no longer intimidated to try to learn more. Fish
> > that's fresh out of the water is so much better than store bought
> > stuff. What a treat. Louise loves to fish but it's something we've
> > never done together. I don't mind it as long as there's a cooler of
> > beer and friends around. When I came home with the fish she asked if
> > I now know how to do it. Her immediate response was "lets go get
> > licenses." I see lots of fresh fish in the near future.
> >
> > Am I the only one who never cleaned a fish before?
> >
> > Lou
> I've cleaned plenty of fish, but when I go out in the Gulf or the Laguna
> Madre the guy who owns the charter boat does it for tips. It's so much
> more pleasant to watch the gulls feast on the leavings than to stink up
> my place.
You don't make fish stock?
Peace! Om
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