Flavored Vodka
In article <Frwvk.325$Af3.257@trnddc06>,
"James Silverton" > wrote:
> Lynn wrote on Tue, 2 Sep 2008 16:49:51 -0700 (PDT):
> > On Sep 2, 1:37 pm, "Frank103" > wrote:
> >> I'm just starting to learn abour vodka and would like to do a
> >> little experimenting. First, I would like to give vodka a
> >> slight lemon flavor. I have a 1.5 liter of inexpensive vodka
> >> and 3 lemons. I know I will use the zest. Do I use the juice?
> >> How long should I let the vodka and zest mix rest? Can anyone
> >> recommend any other ingredients and the amounts to use?
> >> Thanks in advance. Frank
> > What the hell's the matter with Absolut Citron ?
> > Lynn in Fargo
> I've liked Pepper Vodka since I first had it served from a bottle
> encased in a block of ice. I don't mean things like Absolut Peppar which
> is flavored with green sweet peppers, AFAICT but the real Russian stuff
> using hot peppers.
> You can make it yourself by steeping dried hot peppers in vodka. Filter
> off the peppers after a few hours and keep the bottle in the freezer,
> zdorov'ya!
Huh. I'm getting a crop of wild Petin's out back. I may have to try
that just for grins. I've always extracted them in olive oil for
cooking and salads.
Peace! Om
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