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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default What do you cook when you have no $

Lynn from Fargo wrote:

> The thread about the abundance of olives got me thinking about what I
> used to eat mumble mumble years ago when I was a poor student (instead
> of a poor retired person),
> I would make fried potatoes and carrots. Thinly sliced raw potatoes,
> carrots and onions fried in bacon fat or butter. If there was actual
> bacon that was even better.
> How about you?
> Lynn in Fargo

Spaghetti with home made tomato sauce (or gravy as I think some folks
call it?) because buying a few tomatoes and onions was much cheaper
(and tastier) than canned or jarred sauce. If I had the luxury of
having some ground beef, then it became spaghetti and 'meat sauce'... I
always had garlic at hand (still do), and fresh basil was good in the
sauce too, but dried did the trick when I was really 'broke'.

To this day I still make spaghetti with meat sauce at least twice a
month. I like it.
Chatty Cathy

There is no such thing as a little garlic. ~A. Baer