What do you cook when you have no $
Lynn from Fargo wrote:
> The thread about the abundance of olives got me thinking about what I
> used to eat mumble mumble years ago when I was a poor student (instead
> of a poor retired person),
> I would make fried potatoes and carrots. Thinly sliced raw potatoes,
> carrots and onions fried in bacon fat or butter. If there was actual
> bacon that was even better.
> How about you?
> Lynn in Fargo
Tuna fish gravy and rice, fed a family of two adults, two small children
at the times when money was scarce. One can tuna in oil back then, can
of cream of mushroom soup, can of milk. Cook some rice, put gravy over
rice, eat. Total cost outside of energy costs to cook was 39 cents for
the tuna, 10 cents for the soup, probably about a penny for the milk, I
don't remember the price of milk 30 years ago. Rice was bought at the
local rice mill in 42 lb bags (aka a "barrel" of rice)for about 3 dollars.