What do you cook when you have no $
In article >,
Mark Thorson > wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> >
> > Squid is cheap here. I can buy a package of cleaned and frozen squids,
> > about 16 to a pack for $3.
> When I was in college, bags of cleaned and frozen smelt
> from Canada were available cheaply. I haven't seen those
> in years.
> I'd pan fry them, then pour in some soy sauce
> and reduce it until thick. Sort of a smelt
> teriyaki.
> Although they were cleaned, I'd remove the tiny
> bones of the pectoral and dorsal fins and the
> spine. I discovered that if you separate the
> spine from the flesh at the tail, you can pull
> the whole spine out in one piece like unzipping
> a zipper. This trick doesn't work if you start
> at the head end.
I'll have to remember that for small fish. Thanks!
Peace! Om
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