Who Buys in Bulk?
In article >,
Janet Wilder > wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
> > i wish that there were places nearer to me that sold items that way,
> > particularly spices. i've stopped getting excited when i see good prices
> > for meat in the store flyers, because they almost always say in smaller
> > print 'three pounds or more.'
> One of the local HEB stores here in way-the-heck-south-Texas has a bulk
> foods section where one can get spices in small amounts. They have teeny
> plastic zip bags and you load them with how much you want then weigh
> them and print a label.
I wander over to the bulk (nut etc.) section and get bigger bags. <g>
For $5.00, I can get enough dill weed to re-fill my original $5.00 jar 5
or 6 times getting the bulk herbs. :-)
The savings is considerable.
> It makes it so much more economical when you need a little bit of an
> esoteric spice that you don't ordinarily use.
Or a large amount of an otherwise expensive herb you'd like to use more
I love dill weed on veggies and seafood.
Peace! Om
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