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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default What do you cook when you have no $

Lynn from Fargo wrote:

> The thread about the abundance of olives got me thinking about what I
> used to eat mumble mumble years ago when I was a poor student (instead
> of a poor retired person),
> I would make fried potatoes and carrots. Thinly sliced raw potatoes,
> carrots and onions fried in bacon fat or butter. If there was actual
> bacon that was even better.

Bananas, cold cereal and milk. Choose shredded wheat or grapenuts and
it'd carry you for 12 hours without feeling faint, unless you happen to
have to clean out the deep freeze at the School of Pharmacology, in
which case, all bets are off.

Roasted cabbage. Chop it up coarsely, add a little oil, salt, pepper,
garlic in a hot frying pan. Maybe some chicken broth if you've got it
on hand, then into the oven at 400, stir every 5 or 6 minutes until it
starts to go soft and browns around the edges.

Potluck stir-fry. Everybody brought over something they had on hand,
chop it up and throw it in the wok.

Red beans and rice. A pound of thin-sliced kielbasa was enough to
flavor a pot that would feed a dozen people.

Scrambled eggs, flavored with whatever you've got on hand.

Pancakes or french toast, if all you've got is one or two eggs.

A gallon or two of gasoline, which was enough to get me and a couple of
friends home to mom & dad's for supper and breakfast.