On Wed 03 Sep 2008 07:59:12p, Steve Pope told us...
> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>>On Wed 03 Sep 2008 06:40:29p, Saerah Gray told us...
>>> Why would anyone put syrup on grits? Syrup is for pancakes and
>>> waffles, and maybe bacon, if it's real maple syrup.
>>I would do it, but I suppose some folks do, the same way they might put
>>it on oatmeal.
>>> I think I actually like the fried up stuff better. Fried in bacon fat.
>>> Damn, I need to make some this weekend.
>>Fried cornmeal mush? I love it. I do put syrup on that.
> Having never had grits before, I bought a tube of grits at
> Trader Joe's. What I found is that it is similar to a tube
> of polenta except (1) it costs more (2) it is white instead of
> yellow (3) there is a TON of moisture in the stuff, and
> (4) there is relatively little flavor, compared to polenta.
> As is the case with polenta, I fried it ... I have never
> developed a taste for just serving it as unfried mush.
> As for maple syrup on it, I can easily visualize that.
> So can anyone tell me, is this TJ's grits tube anything like
> "real" grits?
> Steve
Not in my book. I buy stone-ground grits from a mill in Tennessee. These
are coarse ground from white corn. There's a bit of chaff that needs to be
floated off in a bowl of water prior to cooking. The grits are cooked slow
and fairly long until quite thick. At that point they can either be served
with butter or red-eye gravy, or they can be poured into a loaf pan,
chilled, then sliced and fried. When sliced and fried, they're usually
served with butter and syrup. Believe me, there's no comparison. But the,
I don't like pre-cooked polenta or masa either.
Freshly cooked unfried grits are really delicious and bear no comparison to
what you bought. You might really like them.
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Wednesday, 09(IX)/03(III)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Veteran's Day
9wks 5dys 3hrs 50mins
Cats must reset their human's alarm
clock by walking on it.