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Ms P Ms P is offline
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Default What do you cook when you have no $

"Lynn from Fargo" > wrote in message
> The thread about the abundance of olives got me thinking about what I
> used to eat mumble mumble years ago when I was a poor student (instead
> of a poor retired person),
> I would make fried potatoes and carrots. Thinly sliced raw potatoes,
> carrots and onions fried in bacon fat or butter. If there was actual
> bacon that was even better.
> How about you?
> Lynn in Fargo

It would depend entirely on what's left in the pantry and freezer. I was
widowed at 23 and had two small kids to feed so money was always tight. I
budgeted for a whole month and even towards the end of the month we would
still have plenty of staples to make meals from. We had a lot of meat
flavored foods at times.

I still don't spend a tremendous amount on groceries because there are
several of those "poor people" meals we still like and have once in awhile.

Ms P