Thread: Black walnuts
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Don Staples Don Staples is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default Black walnuts

"symplastless" > wrote in message
. ..
> "Don Staples" > wrote in message
> omsupplyinc...
>> You are an idiot, yard boy.
>>Don Staples - Consulting Salvage Hog

> About you suggesting removing mulch from a forest helps forest health.
> Ok, then, Don Staples. Please provide data specific to Texas that states
> that your salvage and restoration work increases the health of a forest
> rather
> than what I state, which that is that your practice is deforestation.
> Please
> provide the page and paragraph number where your data can be found stating
> that you increase forest health by your salvage and restoration work. You
> claim I am a fraud while all along you promote deforestation. You claim
> to be a consulting forester. Please consult and provide the data for your
> practice.

I provide such services to professionals, and paying clients, you are
neither, and never will be, yard boy. You have still failed to show what
you claim are my comments. So, yard boy, blow it out your ass.

> Sincerely,
> John A. Keslick, Jr.
> Consulting yard boy
> and
> Beware of yard boys who do not understand tree biology.
> Storms, fires, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions keep reminding
> us that we are not the boss.
> Some yard boys will buy products they do not understand and not buy books
> that will give them understanding.