Juice Pails in NE West Virginia or NW Maryland
Hi everyone...
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the posts on this newsgroup for the
past 4 years.
I live in Nebraska and there are very few home winemakers here so I
rely on this group and one other to expand my knowledge. Thanks to
all of you for this.
I will visiting my son this year who just moved from Bowie, MD to
Harpers Ferry, WV and I would like to bring home some juice pails when
I depart for my return trip to Nebraska (I'll keep them cold for the
return 20 hour trip). I plan to return home 10/31/08.
At this time, I was planning to buy them from Luv-a-Bella in
Lowellville, OH (which is right on my route home). Is there a better
place to buy them? Or, are there any other alternatives in NE West
Virginia or NW Maryland?
Also, I understand that these juice pails are "balanced" (acid/pH/
Brix) and pre-inoculated with yeast. Sounds simple enough. Should I do
mlf or would it be better to use Lysozyme to prevent it? Someone told
me that some juice pails are balance with D-malic which can't be
metabolized by mlf and leaves you thinking you have a stuck mlf when
testing with Chomatogarphy test.
Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.