What do you cook when you have no $
In article >, Arri London >
> Lynn from Fargo wrote:
> >
> > The thread about the abundance of olives got me thinking about what I
> > used to eat mumble mumble years ago when I was a poor student (instead
> > of a poor retired person),
> >
> > I would make fried potatoes and carrots. Thinly sliced raw potatoes,
> > carrots and onions fried in bacon fat or butter. If there was actual
> > bacon that was even better.
> >
> > How about you?
> > Lynn in Fargo
> Soup made from whatever was in the fridge.
> Rice with stir-fry made from whatever was in the fridge.
> Rice and beans, usually without any meat.
> Beans without the rice.
> Cheap pasta with cheap tinned tomatoes with some garlic and onions.
> Stews with a tiny bit of meat and lots of potatoes and vegs.
> Instant noodles with vegs and the occasional egg.
> Come to think of it....still cook those things anyway LOL.
Cleaning out the freezer for soup works here too. <g>
Peace! Om
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