Thread: Grits
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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Default Grits

On Thu 04 Sep 2008 09:44:43a, blake murphy told us...

> On Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:49:54 GMT, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Thu 04 Sep 2008 04:55:10a, The Cook told us...
>>> Grits are not my thing but DH eats them a couple of times a week. We
>>> get ours from a mill about 10 miles down the road. The mill has been
>>> there for about 150 years and looks like it. But they grind the
>>> grits, corn meal and flour. I just have to catch the corn meal before
>>> they add the salt and baking powder.

>> You're really lucky to have a source for good ground corn products so
>> close to you. Shipping is a killer when you're ordering multiple 5 lb.
>> bags of grits and cornmeal.

> is there a middle ground between grits in a tube and from a by-god mill?
> something you might find in a grocery store? (i know enough to stay
> away from instant.)
> your pal,
> blake

If you don't mind a fine texture (I do mind), then yes, you can find
several brands including Quaker in the grocery store. Just make sure that
they're not "instant". I don't even like the "quick cooking" version, but
I guess some folks find those okay. I get mine from a mill because it's
about the only way I can get them coarsely ground.

Wayne Boatwright

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