Thread: Black walnuts
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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Black walnuts

blake murphy wrote:
>>> "Don Staples" > wrote in message
>>> omsupplyinc...
>>>> You are an idiot, yard boy.
>>>> Don Staples - Consulting Salvage Hog

>> I provide such services to professionals, and paying clients, you are
>> neither, and never will be, yard boy. You have still failed to show what
>> you claim are my comments. So, yard boy, blow it out your ass.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> John A. Keslick, Jr.
>>> Consulting yard boy
>>> Some yard boys will buy products they do not understand and not buy books
>>> that will give them understanding.

> hey, r.f.c.'ers - isn't it heartening to know that gardeners are as
> unfailingly polite as the kitchen wizards here?
> your pal,
> blake

Keslick has been spamming and trolling newsgroups for several years
Blake. He is best killfiled.