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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Default What do you cook when you have no $

On Thu 04 Sep 2008 11:17:24a, Janet Wilder told us...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Thu 04 Sep 2008 05:21:54a, Giusi told us...
>>> "Vilco" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>> ...
>>>> Lynn from Fargo wrote:
>>>>> How about you?
>>>> When I was touring around Italy and was a student, I used to eat spam
>>>> and salami for proteins and bread from the local bakeries for the
>>>> carbs. Vitamins, well, some fresh fruit now and then, there's also
>>>> some kind of fruit in-season, all year round.
>>>> Nowadays if I had to make ends meet I'd often eat at kebab stands and
>>>> fast foods, I don't know why but a McDnoald's cheeseburger costs
>>>> about half of the single raw burger patties you find in supermarkets.
>>>> Large scale economics, I guess, and maybe very few meat in theyr
>>>> patties... --
>>>> Vilco
>>> You have never been as skint as many here, Vilco. Having kids to feed
>>> for less than a dollar would wake you up!
>>> I always wonder what is in those "hamburger" patties because they are
>>> outrageously expensive. 9 euro a kilo is about $7.20 a pound for
>>> ground meat.

>> Have you bought "hamburger" in the US lately? If you buy leaner
>> varieties; e.g., 90% or 93% lean, it's often around $6.95 a pound.
>> Egad, when I was in my 20s, I can remember buying ground meat for 39¢ a
>> pound.

> That's why I've taken to grinding my own. I can control the amount of
> fat. I know where the meat came from. It has a better consistency than
> the mushy stuff the store grinds and, best of all: it tastes lots
> better!

It depends entirely on the store. There is only one place where I will buy
any type of ground meat, and I'm confident in what I'm getting. They're
"best buy" date is always the following day. They will also grind to order
and to the amount of fat you want.

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Thursday, 09(IX)/04(IV)/08(MMVIII)
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