Steve Pope wrote:
> Dave Smith > wrote:
>> I have seen lots of places around here where you can buy tubes of
>> polenta, but not grits.
> I'm thinking the polenta-tube labeled "grits" because it is
> white corn / hominy instead of yellow corn may be a Trader
> Joe's invention.
> I have no aversion to trying to make a batch of grits from
> scratch; my concern is if I don't like the result, I still
> won't know whether I don't like grits or whether I did it wrong.
I am far from an expert on grits because they are not served around here
and rarely available in stores. I have had them in the US and bought
some there, but made the mistake of getting quick cooking, the only type
available on the other side of the border. My experience with oatmeal
and Cream of Wheat convinced me long ago that quick cooking grain
products are inferior.
My verdict on grits is that they are pretty good. They are a lot like
Cream of Wheat, which I like, but a lot of people do not.