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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default What do you cook when you have no $

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Janet Wilder > wrote:
>> Jean B. wrote:
>>> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>>> cshenk wrote:
>>>>> "Billy" wrote
>>>>>> "cshenk" wrote:
>>>>>>> the cheapest meat in Sasebo
>>>>>>> Japan.
>>>>>> How many on RFC live there? Just an East Tennessee native and our
>>>>>> cheapest meat might be possum.
>>>>> Grin, you'd be suprised! One of the others said cheap dish used
>>>>> lamb. Not likely to have been living in the USA. This is a global
>>>>> community, not all are USA (or Canada) folks. Another cheap meat in
>>>>> Japan was shrimp.
>>>> I was the one who used one lamb shank. Lamb shank at that time (early
>>>> 1980's) was cheap meat. I was living in New Jersey, which, I believe
>>>> was still part of the US at the time <vbg>
>>> Ah yes, I also like lamb riblets--which I can't even find. Maybe I can
>>> get them from someone at a farmer's market. I have this Indonesian
>>> recipe...

>> They sell breast of lamb here for a very reasonable price. It must
>> figure into a Mexican or Border dish that I don't know about. It looks
>> very fatty, though.

> It is very fatty. Mom used to make stew out of them, but she'd roast
> them first in the oven with a lot of water to render off most of the fat.
> She made the most divine "shepherds stew" out of lamb breast.
> The rendered fat was hard as candle wax... We'd mix it hot with bird
> seed and put it out for the wild birds in cakes.

Hmmm. I was baking or broiling them. It's been so long, I don't
even remember them. And I was young and not concerned about fat.
I fergit whether they'd be good LC fare.

Jean B.