Thread: Grits
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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Default Grits

On Thu 04 Sep 2008 07:35:57p, Steve Pope told us...

> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>>On Thu 04 Sep 2008 07:08:23p, Steve Pope told us...

>>> I'm looking for direction here.

>>Okay, here goes... Right off the bag of my Falls Mill stone ground
>>white grits... Place 1 cup of grits in a bowl. Cover with water and
>>stir. Skim off chaff that rises to the top. Stir and skim again. Let
>>stand 5 minutes. Drain well.
>>Bring 2 cups of water, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper to a
>>boil in a saucepan. Stir in grits. Reduce heat to low and cook,
>>covered, 20-25 minutes or longer, stirring occasionally, until grits are
>>thick and creamy. Serve with butter, salt, red eye gravy, or grated
>>cheese. Yields 6 servings. Of course, other additions can be made, as
>>Note 1: If the grits you buy are not stone-ground, you will not need to
>>skim the chaff.

>>Note 2: After bringing to a boil and stirring in the grits, I reduce
>>the heat to the lowest point possible in order for them to cook longer
>>than the recommended 20-25 minutes. I usually cook them 35-40 minutes.

>>Stone-ground grits are generally ground more coarsely than large scale
>>commercially processed grits. Other than quick grits, they all cook
>>about the same length of time, but of course the finished texture is
>>different with coarse grits. I prefer coarse.

>>Hope that helps, Steve.

> It does indeed help! Thanks!
> Steve

You're welcome. Good luck! Report back!

If you like that, I'll post a recipe for my Garlic Cheese Grits Casserole.
The grits cooking procedure is the same. It's what you do afterwards that
makes the difference, but you've got to get the grits cooking process down

Wayne Boatwright

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