On Thu 04 Sep 2008 08:05:44p, TFM® told us...
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 5.250...
>> On Thu 04 Sep 2008 07:08:23p, Steve Pope told us...
>>> TFM® > wrote:
>>>>"Steve Pope" > wrote in message
>>>>> I can buy actual grits and attempt cooking them. Which method
>>>>> is best?
>>> Thanks. This does not seem immediately useful, as there
>>> is not a "basic grits" recipe that I could find. (At least
>>> in a brief look.) Many recipes there start out with "cooked
>>> grits", or "cook according to package directions", etc.
>>> Others start from the beginning but include non-basic
>>> ingredients like cheese.
>>> I can, of course, buy grits from the bulk bin at the grocery
>>> store and follow the directions that are on the label on the bin.
>>> I guess that's the default approach, however I'm looking for
>>> direction here.
>>> Steve
>> Okay, here goes... Right off the bag of my Falls Mill stone ground
>> grits... Place 1 cup of grits in a bowl. Cover with water and stir.
>> off chaff that rises to the top. Stir and skim again. Let stand 5
>> minutes. Drain well.
>> Bring 2 cups of water, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper to a
>> boil
>> in a saucepan. Stir in grits. Reduce heat to low and cook, covered, 20-
>> minutes or longer, stirring occasionally, until grits are thick and
>> creamy.
>> Serve with butter, salt, red eye gravy, or grated cheese. Yields 6
>> servings. Of course, other additions can be made, as desired.
>> Note 1: If the grits you buy are not stone-ground, you will not need to
>> skim the chaff.
>> Note 2: After bringing to a boil and stirring in the grits, I reduce
>> heat to the lowest point possible in order for them to cook longer than
>> the
>> recommended 20-25 minutes. I usually cook them 35-40 minutes.
>> Stone-ground grits are generally ground more coarsely than large scale
>> commercially processed grits. Other than quick grits, they all cook
>> the same length of time, but of course the finished texture is different
>> with coarse grits. I prefer coarse.
> That's true grit.
> Rooster Cogburn®
Thanks, Allan. I consider that a true compliment!
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Thursday, 09(IX)/04(IV)/08(MMVIII)
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