winemaker wrote:
> On Sep 4, 10:43*am, "Paul E. Lehmann"
> > wrote:
>> winemaker wrote:
>> > Hi everyone...
>> > I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the posts
>> > on this newsgroup for the past 4 years.
>> > I live in Nebraska and there are very few
>> > home winemakers here so I
>> > rely on this group and one other to expand my
>> > knowledge. *Thanks to all of you for this.
>> > I will visiting my son this year who just
>> > moved from Bowie, MD to Harpers Ferry, WV and
>> > I would like to bring home some juice pails
>> > when I depart for my return trip to Nebraska
>> > (I'll keep them cold for the return 20 hour
>> > trip). I plan to return home 10/31/08. At
>> > this time, I was planning to buy them from
>> > Luv-a-Bella in Lowellville, OH (which is
>> > right on my route home). Is there a better
>> > place to buy them? Or, are there any other
>> > alternatives in NE West Virginia or NW
>> > Maryland?
>> Oct 31 is normally past the end of the season
>> in these parts (I live in Maryland about 7
>> miles from Harpers Ferry) *Cabernet Sauvignon
>> is usually the last grape that gets harvested
>> around here and that normally occurs the 2nd or
>> third week of October.
>> There is a place in Mt. Airy, Maryland (about
>> 25 miles East of here)that sells grapes and I
>> believe juice. *I bought some Malbec from
>> Argentina from them last year. *I think they
>> sell juice also but I doubt it is balanced for
>> you.
>> Here is their link:
>> > Also, I understand that
>> > these juice pails are "balanced" (acid/pH/
>> > Brix) and pre-inoculated with yeast. Sounds
>> > simple enough. Should I do mlf or would it be
>> > better to use Lysozyme to prevent it? Someone
>> > told me that some juice pails are balance
>> > with D-malic which can't be metabolized by
>> > mlf and leaves you thinking you have a stuck
>> > mlf when testing with Chomatogarphy test. Any
>> > help or comments would be greatly
>> > appreciated. Thanks!!- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> Thanks Paul...
> I remember reading and learning a lot from you
> over the years!
> I emailed MDcrush last year and have been
> following their website and
> newsletters. Thanks for pointing me that way
> ... I guess I didn't realize how close they (and
> you) are to my son's house.
> Due to the logistics of travel, I thought I'd go
> with juice pails this year as it would probably
> be easier than doing grapes that far from home.
> My grapes (and house roof) got 90% destroyed by
> golf-ball size hail this year, so I need to get
> something and juice pails seemed like an easy
> deal (we can't get CA grapes here ...without a
> 900 mile drive).
> I need to harvest my small (very small)
> remaining crop before leaving for WV so I can't
> get there any earlier. Luv-a-Bella will "hold"
> juice pails for me till 10/31 so that will work
> out okay. I'd prefer that they didn't "balance"
> the juice or pre-innoculate with yeast, but that
> is just the way the do it. I'll call them again
> to see if they can tell me "how" they balance
> their juice (tartaric or "other").
> Thanks again for your help and if you can think
> of anything else, let me know.
> Roger
If you wanted to go with concentrate (there are
some good ones now these days) you could check
out the store "Flying Barrel" in Frederick,
Maryland. That is only about 30 miles from your
son and 15 miles from me here in Brunswick, MD.
My backyard vineyard (110 vines) are doing fairly
well this year - Merlot, Cabernet Franc and
Cabernet Sauvignon - but I don't have any to
spare and will be buying grapes - especially the
whites for my fall wine making.
Good Luck