TFM® wrote:
> "aem" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sep 4, 10:11 pm, TFM® > wrote:
>>> Bullshit!, I said. I ran to the kitchen just in time to see one clove do
>>> a
>>> somersault as it exploded.
>>> I roasted 2 heads in the toaster oven at 350 for about 30 minutes. The
>>> Wife
>>> got a bit upset when the cloves started behaving like popcorn.
>> You must be doing something strange to make that happen but I can't
>> figure out what. I take off the loose papery skin, slice across the
>> top of the bulb to just expose the cloves, and place on a piece of
>> foil. I drizzle olive oil on it, then pull up the foil loosely around
>> the sides. Toaster oven at 350F for 45-60 minutes. All is then soft,
>> easily squeezed from the skins, and delicious. Don't know how any of
>> it could pop. -aem
> Only 2 cloves popped. Never saw anything like it before, but I'd never seen
> a baked potato explode in the oven until the first time it happened.
Mmmmmmmmm! (Exploded) garlic (exploded) potatoes!
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