Walnut Tree issues
On Sep 4, 7:47*pm, Sue > wrote:
> Thanks for all the advice. *It sounds like the tree is doing ok then.
> Anyone know how much water is too much?
> I water it twice a day for about 20 minutes at a slow trickle (on the
> same timer as my sprinkler in the front yard)
> I recognize that it may one day be too big for the lot, but the trees
> look so nice, and I do love walnuts (although hopfeully I will also
> love them in 5 years, or however long it takes them to bear fruit.)
> Thanks again
> Ryan
Too much water. Probably a slow trickle for several hours, once a
week, would be enough - they are very drought-resistant and do best in
well-drained soil.
This is from Wikipedia, which isn't always correct, you know, but is a
start - your county extension office would have more information for
"Walnuts are very attractive trees in parks and large gardens. Walnut
trees are easily propagated from the nuts. Seedlings grow rapidly on
good soils.[6] The Japanese Walnut in particular is grown for its huge
leaves, which have a 'tropical' appearance.
"As garden trees they have some drawbacks, in particular the falling
nuts, and the releasing of the allelopathic compound juglone, though a
number of gardeners do grow them.[5] [6] However, different walnut
species vary in the amount of juglone they release from the roots and
fallen leaves - the black walnut in particular is known for its
toxicity. [7] Juglone is toxic to plants such as tomato, apple, and
birch and may cause stunting and death of nearby vegetation. Juglone
appears to be one of the walnut's primary defence mechanisms against
potential competitors for resources (water, nutrients and sunlight),
and its effects are felt most strongly inside the tree's "drip
line" (the circle around the tree marked by the horizontal distance of
its outermost branches). However, even plants at a seemingly great
distance outside the drip line can be affected, and juglone can linger
in the soil for several years even after a walnut is removed as its
roots slowly decompose and release juglone into the soil."