My First Time With A Filet Knife
In article >,
Lou Decruss > wrote:
> On Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:57:08 -0500, Omelet >
> wrote:
> >In article >,
> > Lou Decruss > wrote:
> >> I do remember you as the deep fry/pressure cooker queen. I've tried
> >> using coffee filters to strain the oil and it was such a pita I just
> >> throw it out. Do you think a couple layers of cheesecloth would work?
> >
> >I don't see why not. I use one of those fabric (washable) coffee
> >filters. Paper filters? A PITA like you said. :-)
> >
> >> I seem to remember reading here you can buy it cheaply at fabric
> >> stores. Seems like people said they wash it first. I need to go to a
> >> fabric store anyway for a bathroom decorating project I'm doing.
> >>
> >> Lou
> >
> >Cheese cloth should be available in the kitchen supply section at
> >wal-mart or other department stores.
> I won't set foot in a walmart but I do get it other places. Problem
> is it's pretty expensive. I'll try a fabric store and see what's
> available.
> Lou
Hm. Plain muslin might be easier to deal with? Cheese cloth is kinda
fragile. I've not bought it for awhile so did not know it was pricey!
Peace! Om
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