Croissants 6
> The croissants are looking better. *The trick is in putting some eggwash
> on the tip of the triangle. *We call that the nose. *It helps glue the
> croissant together so it doesn't come unfolded when it bakes. *We've
> started calling the eggwash glue. *With the same dough, we make almond
> braids following the directions in _Baking Illustrated. *The glue is
> important there too.
> I'd say we'd figured out how to make croissants. *Now we're arguing over
> how many to make plain, whether we should make almond ones, and how many
> to add jam or cheese to. *I find that I prefer the plain ones. *The ones
> with stuffing are fun to make, but when I take one out of the bag in the
> freezer for breakfast, I usually want plain or to add jam at the table.
> --Lia
I'm tellin ya, you have to try prosciutto(sp!). Also, what you call
the nose, we used to call the beak!