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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Default Something & Something?

On Fri 05 Sep 2008 10:14:32a, Janet Wilder told us...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Fri 05 Sep 2008 09:26:52a, Janet Wilder told us...
>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> On Fri 05 Sep 2008 04:30:01a, Andy told us...
>>>>> Janet Wilder said...
>>>>>> Andy wrote:
>>>>>>> I could add to that, in the form of my favorite "Noodle and cheese
>>>>>>> casserole" + a few more cheeses!!!
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>> Recipe, please???
>>>>> Janet,
>>>>> Cook a 12 oz. bag of extra-wide egg noodles in boiling salted water
>>>>> for about 8 minutes. Drain well and in the meantime...
>>>>> Mash 1 cup cottage cheese with 6 ounces of room temperature cream
>>>>> cheese
>>>>> and 1 cup sour cream.
>>>>> Mix this with the noodles and season with 1/4 teaspoon each of
>>>>> salt and
>>>>> pepper.
>>>>> Mix in lightly, 1/3 cup chopped scallions or chives.
>>>>> Turn mixture into a generously buttered 2-quart (8"x8") baking
>>>>> dish.
>>>>> Sprinkle with 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, dot with butter.
>>>>> Bake in a moderate oven (350° F.) for 30 minutes.
>>>>> As seen he
>>>> Nicd. Add eggs and you'll have a Noodle Kugel.
>>> To be a noodle kugel, it would also need some sugar and cinnamon at
>>> the very least. I'm put raisins in it too. Maybe apples and crushed
>>> wait that's my recipe withuot the cheese <g>

>> But there are savory kugels, too, Janet. I really love the kugels with
>> sugar, raisins, etc. Usually those have butter and eggs as well as
>> sour cream, cream cheese, and cottage cheese.

> My noodle kugel is parve. That means it can be eaten with meat dishes or
> dairy dishes, so it contains no cheese. To make it parve, one has to use
> Fleischmann's unsalted, parve, margarine. To make it dairy, just use
> regular unsalted butter. I thought I gave it to you a while ago??

You did, Janet. It's in my MasterCook, and I've made it numerous times.
It's delicious! I've even taken it to several potlucks at work and there's
never a scrap left. :-)

I was just pointing out that there are savory kugels that are dairy only
and contain both cheese and butter.

Wayne Boatwright

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