Something & Something?
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Fri 05 Sep 2008 10:14:32a, Janet Wilder told us...
I thought I gave it to you a while ago??
> You did, Janet. It's in my MasterCook, and I've made it numerous times.
> It's delicious! I've even taken it to several potlucks at work and there's
> never a scrap left. :-)
I'm glad it worked for you. It's one of my originals, too. Makes me feel
good to know my recipe is making people happy.
> I was just pointing out that there are savory kugels that are dairy only
> and contain both cheese and butter.
I have never eaten a noodle kugel with cheese that was not sweet. AAMOF,
I don't think I've ever eaten any kind of noodle kugel that wasn't
sweet. I even checked all my recipe books and only found one recipe for
a noodle and 3 cheese kugel that did not contain sugar, honey or fruit
to sweeten it. The noodle and 3 cheese kugel was more like a lasagna
than a kugel. BTW, it had cheese but no butter <g>
It must be a Galitziana thing and I'm a Litvak.<g>
Can you point me to a few of these savory, cheesy kugels, please. You
have peaked my interest.
Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life