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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Default Something & Something?

On Fri 05 Sep 2008 12:07:50p, Janet Wilder told us...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Fri 05 Sep 2008 10:14:32a, Janet Wilder told us...

> I thought I gave it to you a while ago??

>> You did, Janet. It's in my MasterCook, and I've made it numerous
>> times. It's delicious! I've even taken it to several potlucks at work
>> and there's never a scrap left. :-)

> I'm glad it worked for you. It's one of my originals, too. Makes me feel
> good to know my recipe is making people happy.
>> I was just pointing out that there are savory kugels that are dairy
>> only and contain both cheese and butter.

> I have never eaten a noodle kugel with cheese that was not sweet. AAMOF,
> I don't think I've ever eaten any kind of noodle kugel that wasn't
> sweet. I even checked all my recipe books and only found one recipe for
> a noodle and 3 cheese kugel that did not contain sugar, honey or fruit
> to sweeten it. The noodle and 3 cheese kugel was more like a lasagna
> than a kugel. BTW, it had cheese but no butter <g>
> It must be a Galitziana thing and I'm a Litvak.<g>
> Can you point me to a few of these savory, cheesy kugels, please. You
> have peaked my interest.

Here is one that I've made several times, Janet. If you Google for "savory
kugel", you'll find a bunch.

6 oz medium egg noodles (1 3/4 cups)
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter
3 cups chopped onions (2 large)
1 1/4 cups sour cream
1 1/4 cups small-curd cottage cheese (10 oz)
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
4 large eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Special equipment: a muffin tin with 12 (1/2-cup) muffin cups

PreparationPut oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 425°F.
Cook noodles in a 6- to 8-quart pot of boiling salted water until al dente,
about 5 minutes. Drain in a colander and rinse under cold water, then drain

Melt butter in a 12-inch heavy skillet over moderate heat and brush muffin
cups with some of butter. Add onions to skillet and cook, stirring
occasionally, until well browned, about 20 minutes. Transfer onions to a
large bowl and stir in noodles, sour cream, cottage cheese, and poppy
seeds. Lightly beat eggs with salt and pepper, then stir into noodle
mixture until combined well.

Divide mixture among muffin cups and bake until puffed and golden, 20 to 25
minutes. Loosen edges of kugels with a thin knife and cool kugels in pan 5
minutes before serving.

This can also be baked in a casserole.

Wayne Boatwright

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