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maxine in ri maxine in ri is offline
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Default Walnut Tree issues

On Sep 4, 8:47*pm, Sue > wrote:
> Thanks for all the advice. *It sounds like the tree is doing ok then.
> Anyone know how much water is too much?
> I water it twice a day for about 20 minutes at a slow trickle (on the
> same timer as my sprinkler in the front yard)
> I recognize that it may one day be too big for the lot, but the trees
> look so nice, and I do love walnuts (although hopfeully I will also
> love them in 5 years, or however long it takes them to bear fruit.)
> Thanks again
> Ryan

You're watering short and shallow, not a good thing for your lawn or
your tree. For the lawn, recommendations are 1" of water per week.
During severe drought and high heat, 1" twice a week. Measure by
placing tuna cans around the area the sprinkler covers, and see how
long it takes for the specified amount of water to accumulate. For
trees and shrubs, it's based on the size of the rootball for the first
year, after that, only if they look stressed.

You say you're in MA? Maples start turning around there in late
August, (look along the highway), saplings first. We've had a very
wet summer, and lots of plants are showing signs of fungus and
mildew. Your tree, with only small amounts of dying leaves confined
to single branchlets, looks otherwise fine.

Pictures in the links that Sheldon provided show trees with a single
leader and what appears to have been pruned leaders for encouraging
side growth and multiple leaders (I forget if there's another term for

Handsome trees. Black walnuts put out a chemical that kills
everything underneath them, altho hostas IIRC can survive it.

maxine in ri