Thread: Grits
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Wayne Boatwright Wayne Boatwright is offline
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Default Grits

On Fri 05 Sep 2008 04:10:40p, blake murphy told us...

> On Thu, 04 Sep 2008 12:53:11 -0400, Goomba wrote:
>> blake murphy wrote:
>>> is there a middle ground between grits in a tube and from a by-god

>>> something you might find in a grocery store? (i know enough to stay

>>> from instant.)
>>> your pal,
>>> blake

>> Yeah, grits sold by every grocery store known to mankind. Often in a
>> bag, but sometimes in cardboard containers like oatmeal.
>> DO NOT buy instant (ever!) but quicker cooking (5 min or so) aren't bad.
>> Some people favor yellow, others white. Same diff to me.

> o.k. but i think i keep confusing grits with hominy, but they still have

> recognizable kernel shape, right? what about them?
> your pal,
> blake

Yes, I think you're confused. :-) Hominy is the whole kernel of dried corn
that has been treated in an alkali solution to soften and remove the outer
skin, then soaked in water to allow the inner kernel to swell. There is
both yellow and white hominy and each pieces is about the size of a
garbanzo bean.

To make it even more confusing, there are both corn and hominy grits that
come in both yellow and white. Corn grits are ground from dried kernels of
regular corn and are the most commonly found, which are basically like
cornmeal but ground to a different size. Hominy grits are made from hominy
(processed as above) that has then been dried and ground. I have found if
difficult to locate true hominy grits these days. Both corn and hominy
grits are good. Most people have a distinct preference for either yellow
or white. I prefer white.


Wayne Boatwright

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