Sound familiar?
Janet Baraclough > wrote in
> The message >
> from Becca > contains these words:
>> People who have been here a while have heard this story.
>> About 8-10 years ago, my niece, "M", called me Thanksgiving
>> morning, crying. She baked a turkey to bring to the family
>> gathering, but the turkey did not look right. I drove to her
>> house, and the turkey was upside down.
>> First of all, M's mother never cooked, and M had been
>> addicted to cocaine for over 10 years, so you never knew what
>> to expect. I am happy to say, that after being addicted to
>> cocaine for over 20 years, she has now been sober for 2
>> years. We never thought we would see her sober.
>> BTW, the turkey tasted fine. We flipped it back over,
>> browned it and nobody knew.
> Years ago , our sons woke us on Christmas morning with
> champagne
> cocktails. At breakfast we had Bucks Fizz and by the time I
> started cooking dinner I was rather the worse for wear. But
> hell, I thought, I've cooked so many turkey dinners I can do
> it with my eyes shut. Somehow, I put the bird in the roasting
> pan upside down and didn't notice.
> It was the best turkey I had ever cooked; self-basted the
> breast and
> legs beautifully moist and tender. Ever since then I've always
> cooked the turkey upside down.
> Janet
Awesome. Thanks. I'll remember this.
I love turkey! We learn from our mistakes. ;-)