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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Automatic carrot peeler

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote

> On Fri 05 Sep 2008 07:31:48p, Nancy Young told us...
>> "DeanB" > wrote
>>> My mother is looking for a machine or attachment that can fbe fed
>>> carrots, and peel them automatically. She does 25 lb every week (as a
>>> personal fight against breast cancer, if anyone is wondering).
>>> Does anyone know of such a machine or attachment? She's tried the
>>> potato peeler bowls but they don't work very well for carrots. The
>>> clever peeler knives are not what she is looking for.

>> Is she completely adverse to eating them with the skins?
>> It would be easier to just scrub them and the peels contain
>> more nutrients, as I understand it.

> Another option might be a juicer, and just consuming the pure
> unadulterated
> carrot juice.

I have one of those Y peelers, whatever they are called, the
OXO type, I can peel tons of carrots effortlessly with it. Just
hold one end of the carrot and slide, not even scrape, it down
the carrot while rotating it, it's no trouble.

Make sure your mother has a decent sharp peeler. Otherwise,
I don't know of any automatic peeler other than the juicer Wayne

Good luck to you and your mother, Dean.
