Automatic carrot peeler
Nancy Young wrote:
> I have one of those Y peelers, whatever they are called, the
> OXO type, I can peel tons of carrots effortlessly with it. Just
> hold one end of the carrot and slide, not even scrape, it down
> the carrot while rotating it, it's no trouble.
I haven't been able to get the knack of using the Y-type. I have a
KitchenAid peeler that peels things slick as a whistle (whatever that
means!) Makes peeling carrots a breeze. I especially like the wide grip
and the fact that I haven't stripped the tops of my knuckles off (like
the peelers of old).
> Make sure your mother has a decent sharp peeler. Otherwise,
> I don't know of any automatic peeler other than the juicer Wayne
> mentioned.
We have a big-ass-juicer sitting on the counter. Bob -occasionally- uses
it for juicing. I get to clean it. I'm about to put it in a cabinet if
he doesn't make more use of it. Just more counter clutter as far as I am