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Denise in NH Denise in NH is offline
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Posts: 124
Default Help with freezing pesto

I freeze a years worth of pesto every summer. Wash the leaves, remove
any woody stems, put in food processor with olive oil and garlic and
pulverize till smooth. Add more olive oil till mix is smooth, but not
runny. That's it. Fill ice cube trays with mixture, freeze a few hours,
then pop them out into a zip-lock type baggie and keep in freezer till
you need them.

To use: pour a couple of tbsp of olive oil in pan, add one or two pesto
cubes, while they melt, add some parmesan cheese, stir till smooth, toss
with pasta. Add more parmesan as needed, or toss in a small handful of
shredded cheese, just before serving. Top pasta with chopped chives and

I don't use pine nuts.
