Thread: Jujube recipes
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Lin Lin is offline
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Default Jujube recipes

Yesterday at our Friday Farmer's Market one of the stalls had jujubes.
Last year I bought some and used them when roasting a chicken along with
potatoes in the pan. They were very tasty. So, I bought a small basket
of them and have been contemplating how to prepare them this time --
it's way too hot for roasting at the moment where I am at.

I came across this:

Becky's Favorite Jujube Recipe
Quick, Easy, Sweet and Filling

6-12 Jujube fruits (2-4 oz.), sliced and pitted
1 onion, chopped
1/4 pound Mushrooms, sliced
1/4 pound butter
1/2 pound Meat (goat, lamb or chicken optional), cubed (pre-cooked to
personal taste)

Saute onions with butter until they begin to soften, add sliced Jujubes.
Cook until jujubes begin to crisp on medium to low heat stirring often
(be careful not to overcook as jujubes are delicate and burn easily).
Add mushrooms.

Cook mixture until mushrooms are soft. (or saute mushrooms separate and
then add to mix.) Add precooked meat. Cook on low flame, stirring
occasionally for 5 minutes.

Serve over Rice or Quinoa.

I'd be using chicken in this, though I could thaw some lamb instead.
Chicken was already out. The recipe lacks any mention of seasoning. I
was thinking a hint of cinnamon might be good. I also have some fresh
lavender. The rice probably could use some dressing up, too.

Anyone here have experience with jujubes? If so, how did you use them?
