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Default buying old meat from supermarket

On Wed 03 Sep08 00:08, Dave > wrote in

> "john d hamilton" > wrote in message
> ...
>> [...]

> their
>> [...]

> can
>> [...]

> basically
>> [...]

> big
>> [...]

> Well, the supermarket my wife used to go to a lot, they would
> often have old meat tossed into a large bin, kind of like the
> cheapie dvd bins at wal-mart. Just random cuts of meat, mostly
> beef and mostly steaks of various quality. This bin was marked
> 4/$20, which was pretty good as some of the packages were steaks
> that sold for $10 or more per package. So if you picked meat
> out of the bin, you'd save 50% or better. All of the meat in
> this bin was within a day or two of the sell by date. (almost
> expired)
> My wife would often take advantage of this sale once or twice a
> month. We got some really good meat this way. There is no risk
> to your health, if the meat is cooked properly. But that's
> true, no matter how "old" the meat s. -Dave

Cooking should kill all bacteria but some bacteria are of the sort
which produce toxins.

If toxins have been produced before you get to cook the meat then
those toxins can survive cooking. EG staph aureus.