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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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On Sat, 06 Sep 2008 16:03:56 -0500, Riah Willow
> wrote:
>Righteous John wrote:
>> She hit back, liberals resent it. Liberals feel threatened by a strong
>> woman with moral values, believes in God, won't kill a baby, and isn't
>> trying to pander to queers and minorities.

>Honey she doestn have moral values, she has a podium she stands on to
>save face with the world but behind closed doors she is a Hypocrit.
>And liberals are not afraid of a strong woman who believes in God and
>has moral values. Lets not forget that Hillery is from the south. where
>we all like to call it the Bible belt, she attends church and has a
>relationship with God.

Liberals support a woman's right to control her own body. They
support anyone who wants to keep their baby. However, they also
support a woman's right to prevent becoming pregnant in the first
place and they support a woman's choice to carry an unwanted pregnancy
to term or not. Liberals support a woman's right to choose,
Conservatives do not.

Palin also supports teaching "Intelligent Design" in public schools.
Intelligent Design is the pseudo science that has man walking with the
dinosaurs so their brand of evolutionary history will not conflict
with stories of the bible. Can't have children asking too many
embarrassing questions!

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West