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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Automatic carrot peeler

Julia Altshuler wrote:
> Is this true?
> I've heard it all my life about how the crust or the skin has the most
> vitamins, but I've never figured out how or why that would be. I've
> never heard a doctor say it. I've never heard promoters advertise that
> their product comes from the nutritious skin part of the carrot. I'm
> wondering if it is another one of those things that parents dream up for
> discriminating toddlers.

No one else got interested in my question so I googled on it myself. 63

In carrots, the peel is the same color as the rest of the carrot.
There's no added nutrition in the peel.

In potatoes and apples, there is a difference.
