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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Automatic carrot peeler

In article >,
Julia Altshuler > wrote:

> Julia Altshuler wrote:
> >
> > Is this true?
> > I've heard it all my life about how the crust or the skin has the most
> > vitamins, but I've never figured out how or why that would be. I've
> > never heard a doctor say it. I've never heard promoters advertise that
> > their product comes from the nutritious skin part of the carrot. I'm
> > wondering if it is another one of those things that parents dream up for
> > discriminating toddlers.

> No one else got interested in my question so I googled on it myself.
> B63
> In carrots, the peel is the same color as the rest of the carrot.
> There's no added nutrition in the peel.
> In potatoes and apples, there is a difference.
> --Lia

I just never saw the point in peeling them other than aesthetics. The
ones I get in the store, the "peel" is already pretty clean and it's not
like it's hard or anything. After I steam them, there is not really a
notable "peel" at all.

She could save herself a lot of effort just buying "baby" carrots that
area already well peeled.
Peace! Om

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